Jumat, 04 November 2011

Homework guys ! Let !s do it happily

Homework 5. Grade 4 [ A and B ]

I. Write 20 things in the kitchen.[ example : 1. knife [pisau] ]

II. Write 20 names of places [ example : 1.mosque [mesjid], 2. office [kantor] ]


Homework 5. Grade 5 [ A,B and c]

I. Fill with somebody or anybody

1. There is ……………strange in the kitchen
2. There is………………….. in the garden, can be a burglar
3. Look , I have …………………………for you!!
4. I have got ………………………….in my eye
5. He is playing ……………………………….on the piano.
6. .....................................has just knocked at the door.
7. I met ............................strange on the roof ! A bird?
9. Tomorrow ............................................will come home.
10. …………………………………has just spoken to me


1.Kami melihat seseorang di jalan.

2.Adakah sesuatu dibelakangmu >

3.Ayah mencari sesuatu ari dalam lemari.

4.Ibu mendengar seseorang berbicara di dalam mobil.

5.Kucing tidak menangkap sesuatu dari dalam kotak itu.


Homework 5. Grade 6 [ A,B and c]

I.English exercise "Comparative and superlative forms"

1. A lion is……………………….(big) than a cat .
2. Oh fine, it was raining yesterday but today the weather is ……………good) .
3. I have just a little money , then I'll have the…………………….(cheap) menu .
4. She thinks that Chinese is ………………………..(difficult) than English .
5. Water is …………………(expensive) than champagne .
6. It's awful , we have got ……………………………(bad) weather in the world.
7. Your car is old ! it is …………………………(dangerous) than mine.
8. Jane is 8 and Kim is 10 ; Jane is ………………..(young) than Kim .
9. Don't be in a hurry , walk …………………..(slowly).
10. You'd better get up ……………………………(early) tomorrow, or you'll be late again.
11. Speak ………………………(loud) , I can't hear you.
12. What a stupid boy you are ! you are ……………………(intelligent) than a monkey.

II Fill with : while /. Unless /as. / before. / when / if / since. /as soon as / because although

1. …………………….. it was very hot she went out with an over-coat.
2. Peter called …………………………. you were out.
3. …………………… she's got little money she can't buy clothes.
4. We saw Jim …………………… he was getting off the bus.
5. It will be three years …………………….I met Bobby.
6. My son phones me every afternoon ……………………… he's back home from school.
7. I'm going shopping, ……………………. you need anything I'll buy it.
8. We'll go out …………………….. it stops raining.
9. Don't come …………………… I call you!
10. She left him ……………. he was cheating on her.Bottom of Form

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011


HOMEWORK KE 4[ 25/10/2011]
GRADE 4.[A and B]
. Make your own sentence from the words below!
Ex : mother : My mother is busy at home everyday.
1. cat 2.box 3. hammer 4.eraser 5.computer 6.broom 7.lamp 8.cupboard 9.crayon 10.happy

HOMEWORK KE 4[ 25/10/2011]
GRADE 5.[A , B and C ]


HOMEWORK KE 4[ 25/10/2011]
GRADE 6.[A , B and C ]
Make your own conversation with the title ; Helping my parents
write in 200 words more words ok ,less noway

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Homework makes your fresh

Homework 3 for grade 4 [ A and B]
Translate the following into English.
1.Punya siapakah tas besar itu ?
2.Dimanakah kamu simpan pinsil itu ?
3.Ini adalah buku Tono.
4.Meja manakah yang kamu bersihkan ?
5.Bisakah mereka mengambilkan saya air itu ?
Translate the following into Indonesian.
6.The room is dark,please turn on the light.
7.Our school starts at seven-fifteen a.m.
8.Which cat do you like much ?
9.I was born on October 2006
10. Is this chocolate for me ?
Homework 3 for grade 5 [ A ,B and C]
Do as example [ buat seperti contoh ] :

Andi berada di dekat meja semalam.
+ Andi was near the table yesterday.
- Andi was not near the table yesterday.
? Was Andi near the table Yesterday ?

1.Kami berada di depan kelas minggu lalu.
2.Ayah berada disini sewaktu kami bermain bola semalam.
3.Siswa -siswi SD Harsa tidak berada di MALL pada jam belajar.
4.Apakah temanmu berada di sana sewaktu berlangsungnya pertunjukkan itu ?
5. Ibu tidak berada di rumah jadi kami bisa bermain sepuasnya minggu lalu.

Homework 3 for grade 6 [ A ,B and C]

Find one short story from newspaper or magazine then translate it into English.
The story at least has 150 words [more ok, less noway]
Do it in double folio or you can type it.

Do your homework for your kindness,kids